Chili Cook Off Contest Rules and Regulations
Competitors, REGISTER HERE! Vendors, CLICK HERE!
1. This Competition allows for entry of Red Chili and/or Green Chili (Chili Verde). Any kind of meat maybe used or combinations of meats (such as beef, chicken, pork, venison, lamb, etc…). All meats will be cooked with red and/or green chili peppers, various spices and other ingredients with the exception of BEANS and PASTA which are strictly forbidden. Any entries containing beans or pasta will be disqualified. NO FILLERS BEANS, CORN, PASTA, Etc…
Note: A people’s choice taste kit will be available for purchase at the run site for $3 it will include a spoon, napkin, 5 sample cups 5 taste tickets and a scoring card to vote for the best chili people’s choice award.
2. No ingredient may be pre-cooked in any way prior to the commencement of the official cook-off. The only exceptions are canned or bottled tomatoes, tomato sauce, peppers, pepper sauce, beverages, broth and grinding and/or mixing of spices. Meat may be pre-cut or ground. MEAT MAY NOT BE PRE-COOKED, PRE-SMOKED, PRE-TREATED, PRE-RUBBED or PRE-MARINATED in any way until competition starts. All other ingredients must be chopped or prepared during the preparation period.
Note: There will be a meat inspection 1 hour prior to the start of the cook off. All meats must be stored at below 40 degrees until cooking time. A cooler with ice is fine.
3. You must be at least 21 years old to compete or be a part of a team. No more than 3 cooks per team.
Note: You can have as many helpers as you need but you are only getting 3 wristbands at the gate per spot.
4. A representative from your team must be present at the contestant’s meeting, at which time final instructions will be given and questions answered.
Note: The meeting will be no later than 1 hour prior to the official starting time of the cook off.
5. The cooking period: Fires can be started by and chili turn in is at . A window of 10 minutes is allowed for turn in from to . Cooking during entire cooking period is at the sole discretion of the contestant. (Entries will not be accepted earlier)
6. Food handler’s gloves must be worn by team food handlers.
7. Contestants are responsible for supplying all of their own cooking utensils and cooking equipment, etc. NO electrical cookers such as crock pots. Everything is to be cooked over flame - charcoal, wood or propane. The sponsors of the cook off will provide a 10x10 area for each contestant. There will be a common water hook up so bring your own water carrier. There will be limited electrical outlets that will be shared by spots. Bring 50 feet of electrical cord and splitter if you need electric.
Note: You supply your own tables, chairs, pop up tent, bring your own comforts.
8. Each contestant must cook approximately two gallon of competition chili prepared in one pot and 32 oz will be submitted for judging and the rest will be for those with tickets to vote for the people’s choice award. Please make sure that you fill the 32 oz. container.
9. Each contestant will be assigned a contestant’s number by the Chief Scorekeeper at the morning meeting and be given an official 32 oz judging cup. Each contestant should verify that the number on their cup is the same as their assigned contestant number. Each contestant is responsible to deliver their cup, which must be filled to the bottom of the cup’s rim, to the judging area at the official time for judging. Any containers not filled will be disqualified.
Note: The judging is anonymous so your cup should in no way be altered or marked as to be different from the others. If found to be altered your chili will be disqualified from judging.
10. Judges will be told they should vote for the chili they like best based on the following major considerations: good flavor, texture of the meat, consistency, blend of spices, aroma and color.
11. In the event of a first place tie, 3 judges will resample and judge the chili for a second time. The decisions of the Chief Judge shall be final.